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Swallowtail Butterflies of the Americas - Hamilton A. Tyler Keith S. Brown, Jr. Kent H. Wilson

  • Производитель: Entomon
  • Модель: EN-3653
  • Наличие: Предзаказ
13980 ₽

Gainesville, USA, Scientific Publishers Inc.,1994, 378 pp, 22,5 x 28 cm, hard cover and dust jacket, ISBN: 0-945417-90-X good condition

A Study in Biological Dynamics. Ecological Diversity, Biosystematics and Conservation

"Swallowtail Butterflies of the Americas" is a wide-ranging book about biology, ecology, systematics, conservation, and the relationship of humanity to the natural environment. At its focus is a group of large and colorful butterflies that occur all over the globe, are known by people in all times and places, and are seriously threatened with disappearance.

No fewer than 40 of the 143 species of New World swallowtails are on the critical list of the World Conservation Union (IUCN), due to rapid loss of habitat, destruction of air and water resources, or even commercial collecting. The swallowtails are the only invertebrates to have their own "Red Data Book" and Conservation Action Plan, and are usually included in local surveys and monitoring programs related to the health of the environment and the preservation and wise use of resources for the future. They are also strikingly beautiful, as can be verified on the 157 pages of color plates—enough so to have been widely incorporated into human culture, symbolism, ritual, and humor. Their disappearance, even if only partial, would surely leave a permanent emptiness in our sensibilities and environments, just as would the disappearance of a majestic mountain or seascape, a hillside covered with flowering orchids, or a primate species closely related to us.

Written and illustrated by three naturalists with over a hundred years’ combined study of swallowtail biology—the first, author of many popular books on organic gardening, owls, swallowtails, and Pueblo Indian mythology; the other two, teachers—this book is designed to reflect both the beauty of swallowtails and their role in our relationship to the natural world. It is also meant to be helpful to biologists, ecologists, conservationists, teachers, students, and planners throughout the Americas who will be using swallowtails in their scientific, cultural, academic, and practical activities. It brings together information from all parts of the Americas, with special emphasis on Brazil and other parts of South America, to give a solid base for the future study and appreciation of these well-known insects, especially in the preservation of the rich natural heritage of the New World.

All sales revenues over basic publication expenses will be donated by the authors for local habitat conservation projects in tropical America.

"The scope of this book is breathtaking. It is as much a work of art as of science and will be treasured for inspiration and reference by amateur naturalists and professional biologists alike."- Paul Feeny

"A highly controversial but engrossing book, chock-full with valuable information; you can either enjoy or be enraged by its contents, but it will never leave you bored or indifferent." - Gerardo Lamas

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